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Int 21 Fn 52  U - DOS 2+ Internal - "sysvars" - Get List Of Lists  (Cont.)

    31h    WORD    PSP segment of file's owner (see AH=26h) (first three
           entries for AUX/CON/PRN contain segment of IO.SYS
           startup code)
    33h    WORD    offset within SHARE.EXE code segment of
           sharing record (see above)  0000h = none
    35h    WORD    (local) absolute cluster number of last clustr accessed
           (redirector) ???
    37h    DWORD   pointer to IFS driver for file, 0000000h if native DOS

Note:  the OS/2 2.0 DOS Boot Session does not properly fill in the filename
     field due to incomplete support for SFTs; the OS/2 2.0 DOS Window
     does not appear to support SFTs at all

Format of current directory structure (CDS) (array, LASTDRIVE entries):
Offset Size    Description
 00h 67 BYTEs  ASCIZ path in form X:\PATH (local) or \\MACH\PATH (network)
 43h   WORD    drive attributes (see also note below and AX=5F07h)
       bit 15: uses network redirector  \ invalid if 00, installable
       bit 14: physical drive       / file system if 11
       bit 13: JOIN'ed   \ path above is true path that would be
       bit 12: SUBST'ed  / needed if not under SUBST or JOIN
       bit  7: remote drive hidden from redirector's assign-list and
             exempt from network connection make/break commands;
             set for CD-ROM drives
 45h   DWORD   pointer to Drive Parameter Block for drive (see AH=32h)
---local drives---
 49h   WORD    starting cluster of current directory
       0000h = root, FFFFh = never accessed
 4Bh   WORD    ??? seems to be FFFFh always
 4Dh   WORD    ??? seems to be FFFFh always
---network drives---
 49h   DWORD   pointer to redirector or REDIRIFS record, or FFFFh:FFFFh
       (DOS 4 only) available for use by IFS driver
 4Dh   WORD    stored user data from INT 21/AX=5F03h

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